Wednesday, April 8, 2009

P90x Round Two Better Late Than Never-never-land

After 1-2...perhaps 3 months of re-assuming the Jabba the Hutt position on the couch, I have once again decided to toss myself back into the ring. Mano y mano, man vs Tony Horton videos. Why you ask?'s the feeling of waking up in the morning and feeling CHUNKY and unhealthy in general. You get in the bathroom and walk to the shower and in your periphery you know those loving love handles are mocking you in the mirror. You take a look and wonder...what happened? Where did you go oh illustrious muscles? Why did you leave? I loveded you...

When your stomach starts to resemble play-doh (although play doh is both visually attractive and good smelling) and less like 6-8 finely chiseled mountainous works of God, it's probably time to get to work no?

So here we go, I'm a day late in posting my progress for day 1...but I DID START on April 7th, 2009.

Day 1:
Chest and Back ("The mother of all P90x workouts" - Tony Horton)

Tony my personal trainer says that about all workouts, but before you decide that p90x is a wimpy program designed to steal your money...I will vouch for it myself that it is designed to both steal your money AND give you a great and healthy body.

So in all honesty I got slaughtered today for day 1 of the program. Pretty much Tony took me to the state prison of workouts and was yelling 'fresh meat' the whole time :(. That's not to say I didn't try...I did. The problem with the mind is that it remembers things the rest of the body does not. My mind was thinking pushups?? No prob man I'll help you push out like 30 of those for your first set. On my first set I was feelin' pretty good crankin' those regular pushups out quickly...but after the 10th one it was all downhill from there. My brain was saying 'Come on champ, you're good lets go', but my heart was saying "It's been months since you used me properly and I really really despise you right now."

After my hamster sized heart got pissed off and tried its best to get all that good oxygenated blood to my body it forgot when I stood up to push it up to my brain and I saw this:

I love stars, but it's troublesome when they appear after the first set of your workout. In any case I will allow this scan of me writing down my numbers to show how I did that day. It's pitiful I know...but bear with me, it will get better, yo prometo.

As you can see it starts out being fairly legible....and then it turns into Ancient Egyptian. But if you do have the knowledge of past ages and are able to decipher all my hieroglyphics please do not laugh at me :(

I'm kidding go ahead and laugh...4 dive bombers? Jay Tee please...

It's a work in progress.



Here's what you used to look like:

1 comment:

love is not single player said...


wallsquats are crazy

have you tried to do it with a skate board on your back? scooby on youtube rocks that it's tight